Abortion Fully Decriminalized Across The Nation of Australia
The country’s most populous state is giving women choices in healthcare.
Australia fully decriminalizes abortion after the state parliament in the populous state of New South Wales on Thursday, September passed a law permitting terminations to be conducted up to 22 weeks into a woman’s pregnancy. The bill was passed by both chambers of the conservative majority state parliament.
In the majority of states across Australia, abortion is permitted during certain amounts of weeks during an individual woman’s pregnancy as well as advice from medical professionals such as doctors and or nurses. Victoria became the first state to decriminalize abortion after a 1969 Supreme Court ruling and Queensland recently decriminalized the procedure in 2018.
Australia is not the only country in the developed world that recently liberalized its own abortion laws. In 2018, the Republic of Ireland repealed its restrictive abortion laws through a referendum passed by a majority of voters. In 2019, members of the British Parliament passed a law expanding Britain’s abortion laws into Northern Ireland, which previously restricted the procedure.
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