2018 Midterms
An Exorcist Will Clash with Brooklyn Witches Putting A Hex on Brett Kavanaugh
Seriously, this is legit real and not a brand new season of American Horror Story.
A California Catholic priest from San Jose, who claims to be an exorcist, plans to hold a mass to counter-protest a public hex on conservative Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh cast by a coven of witches in Brooklyn, NY. It all started on Tuesday, October 16, when Dakota Bracciale, a transgender co-owner of Catland bookstore announced the event. Tickets to the event, which cost $10, already sold out on Eventbrite and half of the tickets’ proceeds are going to women’s and LGBTQIA+ charities such as Planned Parenthood and the Ali Forney Center. Reasons behind the public hex obviously include Justice Kavanaugh’s allegations of sexual assault made against him during his nomination process, especially by the claims made by Palo Alto University Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. Soon after the announcement was trending online, cable news outlets and other media organizations such as The Hill and The Guardian picked up the story.
After the story gained traction, Father Gary Thomas of San Jose, a 12-year practicing exorcist from northern California told the National Catholic Register, which is owned by the Catholic media company Eternal Word Television Network, Inc., that this is an act of evil against Kavanaugh, who identifies as a Catholic. This is not the first time self-identified witches participate in contemporary political and social movements. In 2017, witches cast similar hexes during Donald Trump’s first year in office as president. Also, W.I.T.C.H., or the Women’s International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell, is making a comeback during the Trump presidency after more than 50 years since the second wave of feminism or women’s liberation movements of the 1960s and the 1970s.
The public hex has taken place on Saturday, October 20 at the Catland bookstore on Flushing Avenue in Brooklyn. At the event, more than 60 people were participating in the hex not only against Kavanaugh but also against President Trump and Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell. Their hex was live streamed on Facebook and Instagram.
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