The victims of the Parkland shooting are gone but not forgotten.
When people look tense and pull away from you, maybe, just maybe you're making them uncomfortable.
Preliminary reports state that 11 are injured and 4 killed.
Regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum, cancer is a painful battle that no one should have to face.
Well... That really blows.
Activists say these chickens are bred so quickly that their organs cannot keep up.
Dang, salad. Back at it again with the illness.
Oh, and Monsanto is going to appeal the case. Are you surprised though?
In case you didn't know, dressing up as Dory and Nemo is a "lesbian thing" to do.
What's worse, the fact that these people are not afraid to rally or that this is the second rally?
This story completely shuts down the argument that someone should watch what they wear to avoid sexual assault.
Kahf's victim was able to get a confession using a digital voice recorder she planted on herself.
Just a reminder that your own words can come back to haunt you, jokes or not.
Apparently, the First Amendment extends to telling your boyfriend to get back into the truck and kill himself.
Choosing to leave the role is a bold move for Johansson that leads to an important conversation when it comes to how the LGBTQ+ community is...
The damage from the floods and landslides could possibly be the worst Japan has seen in decades.
The rescue mission is going smoothly so far, but the rest of the team will have to wait.
Protecting the environment starts with undoing humankind's mess.
Just a friendly reminder that your favorite childhood store closed down for good on Friday, but not before someone did something amazing.
The wildfire has yet to be contained, and people are still evacuating.
Legal marijuana is slowly making its way across the nation.
Stealing is bad, but stealing from America's oldest veteran is a new low.
It's hard to believe that this is only a small fraction of what's making its way to the U.S.
Twitter Wars: Trump vs Trump Edition. What is Trump's view on the Immigration Bill? What about his opponent, Trump?
I hope she doesn't find out I used to have lemonade stands without permits as a kid.