Meet The Press’ Chuck Todd Visits George Washington University
A summary of Chuck Todd’s visit to GW.
“There’s enough media watchdogs now.”
On Monday, Sept. 25, journalist Chuck Todd of NBC’s “Meet the Press” visited George Washington University in Washington D.C., as part of an event called “The Press Fights Back: A Conversation With Chuck Todd.” Ranging from the press’s role in the Trump presidency to the #MeToo Movement, Todd spoke to the GW audience about ongoing news that was occurring only blocks away.
The former GW student started his talk with his thoughts on the Brett Kavanaugh trials.
“I think it’s impossible for him to serve,” Todd said. “If we are ever going to change this cycle, there needs to be a penalty.”
He explained that if Kavanaugh is confirmed, it will set a bad example for young men and women to use the excuse “boys will be boys.”
Some clips of Todd’s most recognizable moments were broadcasted, as well. One aired was the exchange between him and Kellyanne Conway’s stance on alternative facts.
Todd briefly discussed his views on the Donald Trump presidency claiming “I want to be prepared for the post-Trump era.”
“It was the election that was necessary to rebuild institutions in this country,” Todd said.
Todd took some student questions at the end of the event. He discussed the press’s role in covering the Trump administration, the #MeToo Movement and where he hopes the journalism industry heads in the future.
“People are taking their citizenship more seriously,” Todd said. “I believe in the wisdom of the voters.”
For more information on Chuck Todd and “Meet the Press,” visit
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