Campus Life
Michelin Offering Free Ride to Safe Teen Drivers
The high expense of college is a known problem in today’s society, but the fact that car crashes are the number one killer of teens in America, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, is a lesser-known problem.
For this reason, according to a recent press release, Michelin is introducing its new phase of the Beyond the Driving Test program, in hopes of educating teens and their parents alike in order to break this terrible trend.
This new phase of the problem gives parents and teen drivers a #PennyForAFreeRide, in which both are taught about the various safety threats out there and encouraged to act to change the statistics.
In this educational process, Michelin will be offering teen drivers the chance to win a free ride to college, something that can be accomplished by simply checking their vehicle’s tire pressure or tread depth and sharing that information on their social media accounts.
As a student, you face various pressures daily, including the decision to go to college, but safe tire pressure and tread depth aren’t high on the list of priorities, which is problematic when considering the statistics.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are 738 tire-related deaths annually, 457 distracted cell phone deaths annually and, of the 2.2 million accidents every year that involve teen drivers, about 300,000 are related to tire issues, such as worn treats and under/over-inflated tires.
According to Alexis Garcin, chairman and president of Michelin North America, Inc., “The statistics are startling – we need to do everything we can to keep our teen drivers safe. At Michelin, we know that tires need pressure, not teens. Our goal is to encourage teens to take life-saving action that helps them secure a safe future.”
So as the statistics continue to rise, both in college costs and teen-accident related deaths, Michelin’s goal is to help teen drivers with combating both issues by ensuring they are safe on the road and have the ability to pay for college.
If you’re interested in entering, take a photo or video doing the “Penny Tread Test” or checking your tire pressure. You should then post the image to their Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and tag @MichelinUSA with the #PennyForAFreeRide. You can also upload their entry on the website.
Every submission results in a penny donation from Michelin to the “pocket change” fund, which provides the grand prize winner with some additional money for college. According to Michelin, we could all use a little “fun money.”
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