Movies With Julie: ‘Won’t You Be My Neighbor?’ A Tribute to the Remarkable Mr. Rogers
It’s a wonderful day in the neighborhood.
Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
The next film that I will be reviewing in my crazy summer movie quest is the documentary tribute to Fred Rogers,“Won’t You Be My Neighbor.”
This documentary shows the life of the remarkable Rogers, who continuously reminded children no matter their situation, they mattered, as well as inspiring people to be better and to do better.
This film is full of inspiration, love, and possibilities.
Throughout the documentary, clips were shown from episodes of his show, as well as, Rogers discussing hard situations with children.
My thoughts: I think this film did a great job showing who Rogers was as a person. Even though I did not watch his television show personally, from his documentary and through the people’s lives he changed, I constantly felt the kindness and good Rogers spread throughout his time in the world.
I was truly inspired by the way he tackled hard conversations with children such as, divorce, 9/11, and death. Each child shown in the film seemed so comfortable and fond of Rogers, like he was a grandparent or father-figure.
I believe that you do not need a strong connection or to have watched Rogers show to enjoy the film. I was so moved by the thoughts and remarks fellow colleagues and family members shared all throughout the film. Each person seemed so respected and moved by his constant act of good.
Rogers simply showed children that no matter what they are loved and capable of loving. I think that message is so important especially in today’s world. We, (yes, I am including myself because I do this so frequently) are so quick to judge ourselves and people around us. No matter what is thrown our way in life, we must remember that we are loved and appreciated more than we think.
Julie’s Advice:
If you want a documentary that will leave you appreciating life and the people who make you, you, I would recommend seeing this movie. I will admit that it is a long one, but it is so worth the lessons and advice given.
Julie’s Rating: 4 out of 5
Stay tuned for the next review coming soon!
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