Multiple Suspicious Devices Sent to Prominent People in the Democratic Party
Several devices sent to various locations within a few days.
This morning, The Time Warner Building located at Columbus Circle was evacuated early this morning due to a suspicious device was found.
The device was found in the building’s mailroom which was addressed to Former CIA Director, “John Brennan c/o CNN.” The package was sent through the U.S. Postal Service with pipes and wires.
The bomb was taken out of the Time Warner Building around 11:40 a.m. and then taken to Rodman’s Neck shooting range in the Bronx. At Rodman’s Neck, it will be disassembled and examined.
On Monday, George Soros, a billionaire philanthropist, who frequently donates to the Democrats, also received a device at his home at the suburbs in New York City. The device was the same pipe filled with explosive powder. However it was detonated by bomb squad technicians.
In the New York Times article, it states, ““The caretaker went out to collect the mail and didn’t make it back to the residence,” a senior law enforcement official said. The device was packed in an envelope that was about 8 by 10 inches and “looked suspicious.” The caretaker “dropped it in the woods on the way back to the residence.””
In Chappaqua, a package was sent to former first lady Hillary Clinton on Tuesday. Then another to former President Barack Obama Wednesday Morning in Washington, D.C. The Secret Service stated that its members intercepted both packages that were delivered.
The @SecretService said it intercepted two suspicious packages, one addressed to Hillary Clinton in New York and another addressed to Barack Obama in Washington, DC. Both were identified as "potential explosive devices" during mail screening.
— CBS News (@CBSNews) October 24, 2018
“The packages were immediately identified during routine mail screening procedures as potential explosive devices and were appropriately handled as such. The protectees did not receive the packages nor were they at risk of receiving them,” the agency said in a statement.

Where the bombs were sent.
Two bombs were sent to Former Vice President Joe Biden and one was sent to actor Robert De Niro on Thursday. X-rays showed that it was the same bomb that was sent to The Obamas, the Clintons, and George Soros.
On Wednesday, two was to be sent to Maxine Waters; however, one was intercepted at a sorting facility outside of Washington. A second package was found at a postal facility in south central Los Angeles, a spokesperson for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said, according to CNN.
In another New York Times article, “The device sent to Mr. Biden was found at a U.S. postal service facility in Delaware, a law enforcement official said. Similar to the one sent to former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., the envelope was misaddressed and was being redirected to the return sender written on the mailing label, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Florida congresswoman.”
On Friday, another package was sent to CNN and addressed to contributor, James Clapper. The package was found a few blocks away at the post office.
This morning, another device was sent to CNN Headquarters in Atlanta. According to CNN, “The package “was intercepted at an Atlanta post office,” CNN President Jeff Zucker said in a memo to staffers. “There is no imminent danger to the CNN Center.” The Atlanta Police Department said Monday morning that they responded to a call at 9:38 AM about a suspicious package at a post office near the CNN Center. The package appears identical to the other packages authorities say were sent by pipe bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc, who was arrested on Friday.”
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