Colleges Assuring Applicants Gun Protests Won’t Be Held Against Them
Two National School Walkouts and the March For Our Lives expected to be huge events.
Multiple universities across the U.S. have taken steps to ensure high school seniors that participating in upcoming protests organized in the wake of the Parkland, Fla. school shooting will not be a factor in their college admission process.
This is in contrast to some high school and middle school districts, who have announced punishments for students who participate in the Women’s March’s Youth EMPOWER school walkout on March 14, The March For Our Lives 10 days later and the April 20 National School Walkout.
Penn State, the University of Connecticut, Brown, American University, Northeastern, Bucknell and Boston College are among those who used social media to let prospective incoming freshmen that they have anything to worry about when it comes to exercising their right to protest.
Students who are disciplined for walking out or otherwise staging a respectful and peaceful protest against gun violence, are hereby assured that it can be reported on their Penn State application without adverse effect on their admission decision.
— Penn State (@penn_state) February 24, 2018
UConn would like to assure students who have applied or been admitted to the University that disciplinary action associated with participation in peaceful protests will not affect your admission decision in any way.
— UConn (@UConn) February 24, 2018
American University stands by prospective students engaged in peaceful and lawful protest. No student who is admitted or has a pending application will be affected by disciplinary actions arising from their right to protest.
— AmericanU Admissions (@AUAdmission) February 24, 2018
Admission to BU will not be jeopardized should your school levy a penalty for participating in peaceful protests, such as the National School Walkout Day. See Dean of Admissions Kelly A. Walter's full statement here: @BU_Tweets #StudentsStandUp
— BU Admissions (@ApplyToBU) February 23, 2018
We want to reassure students who have applied or have been admitted to Northeastern University that disciplinary actions associated with participation in peaceful protests will not jeopardize your admission.
— Northeastern U. (@Northeastern) February 23, 2018
High school students planning to walk out for gun control on April 20: We’ve got your back. Participation in the nationwide protest or other peaceful actions will not affect admission decisions. Full statement:
— Univ. of Puget Sound (@univpugetsound) February 24, 2018
Enough is enough!
Women's March Youth EMPOWER is calling for students, teachers, and allies to take part in a #NationalSchoolWalkout for 17 minutes at 10am on March 14, 2018. Join us in saying #ENOUGH!
— Women's March (@womensmarch) February 16, 2018
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