The world's largest Muslim majority country is making controversial changes.
The Northern American country goes green.
The City of Angels goes green.
The Big Apple goes green.
Japan's largest auto-maker trying to combat climate change.
The Nordic country is starting to divest away from non-renewables.
A Green New Deal is being proposed.
The Golden State wants their buses more greener on the roads.
The Western European microstate is combating environmental pollution and income inequality through covering basic services.
Denmark is making serious changes to have more clean powered vehicles on its roads.
Time is running out on climate change.
The Golden State is making its power green and eco-friendly for the future.
The more we pollute in the air throughout the planet, the less intelligence we may have.
Did your college make the list?
The Republic of Ireland will divest from non-renewables in the wake of climate change.
Starbucks again standing up to its mission statement, to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.
The United States is experiencing the worst heat wave of the year, raising concerns for potential wildfires.
Renewable resources are the future, and it's time to make the switch.
Renewable energy from the sun is dominating the country's electrical grids as it may face hurdles in the industry.
The largest democracy in the world is planning to ban single-use plastics in order to combat climate change and pollution.
What have we done?
The food chain plans to eliminate all foam products from their American restaurants at the end of 2018.
It's not just Democrats backing climate protections.
The 'Great Pacific Garbage Patch' is absolutely massive.
The polar bear situation is a bit more grim than scientists initially believed.