The House to Approve Legislation of Reopening of the Government
Late Thursday night, the new Democratic House passed bills that would reopen the government without paying for Trump’s border wall. However, the White House is drafting a veto threat leaving the shutdown getting nowhere of it being resolved.
Mitch McConnell attacked new House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, (D-Calif.) and many others who stated that they were giving Republicans a standoff by passing two different legislations. “One a package of six spending bills that were negotiated on a bipartisan basis in the Senate and would reopen nearly all the federal agencies that have been shuttered since Dec. 22, and the second a stopgap spending bill through Feb. 8 covering only the Department of Homeland Security,” according to The Washington Post.
According to the Post, “The six-billpackage passed the House 241-190 Thursday night, and the short-term Homeland Security spending bill passed 239-192. A handful of Republicans broke ranks on each measure to vote “yes” with the Democrats.
The House strategy could allow Senate Republicans to pass legislation that would reopen most of the government while setting aside the debate over the border wall. But thus far, because of Trump’s opposition, party leaders have refused.”
“What we’re asking the Republicans in the Senate to do is to take ‘yes’ for an answer. We are sending them back exactly, word for word, what they have passed,” Pelosi said. “Why would they not do that? Is it because the president won’t sign it? Did they not hear about the coequal branch of government, and that we the Congress send the president legislation and he can choose to sign or not?”
McConnell on Thursday restated the stance he has adopted since the Senate unanimously passed a short-term spending bill last month without additional wall funding — only to watch as Trump turned against it the very next morning amid a conservative backlash.
“I’ve made it clear on several occasions, and let me say it again: The Senate will not take up any proposal that does not have a real chance of passing this chamber and getting apresidential signature. Let’s not waste the time,” McConnell said. “Let’s not get off on the wrong foot, with House Democrats using their new platform to produce political statements rather than serious solutions.”
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