Troove, A New Data-Driven Company, Uses AI to Match Applicants with Schools Successfully
An exciting new company called Troove has entered the higher education arena with the goal of making college search and admissions more efficient and accessible, according to a recent press release. Troove helps applicants find their ideal fit, in and out of the classroom, by engaging current college students and alumni in the search process for the first time.
“Today, we all rely on the digital experience of others in how we date, dine and decide what to binge-watch next. Troove will use this same technology to match applicants with the schools where people who share their same priorities, values, and interests have already found the success they want,” said David Hurwitt, founder of Troove.
Troove believes that current students and graduates of a school are the best predictors of what it takes to be happy and successful. The data derived from their experiences define the unique characteristics of a school and allow prospective applicants to immediately understand the qualities and priorities they share.
The company’s methodology includes a series of questions that students answer about their learning and social culture preferences and priorities. This information is compared to data about every school in the country, as well as answers to the same questions provided by people currently in college and those who have graduated.
Troove rates compatibility by assigning either a Green (High), Yellow (Medium) or Red (Low) score. Green means their learning and social answers are a great fit. Yellow means one or both of their learning or social scores don’t fit very well, and Red means their answers don’t fit well. For each score, Troove will provide an explanation so students can dig further into any areas of concern and can then gather more information from their schools, family, friends, counselors and the internet. Troove’s objective is always to empower and support students with honest, direct and clear information. Maintaining the trust of students will always be the highest priority. Individual answers to questions are kept completely confidential and Troove only ever connects Green matches.
“The average college freshman today is twice as likely to drop out or transfer as they are to graduate on time from their first school,” Hurwitt points out. “We believe today’s best matching technologies can change this and help everyone find their people and their place right from the start.”
Troove’s mission is to change outcomes by focusing on the right fit and therefore increasing the chances of finishing college as opposed to just getting in, which is often the easier part. Hurwitt believes students will come to Troove for the best insights into major, career and school matches and schools for the deepest, most diverse pre-qualified selection of future graduates and opportunities to reach and engage alumni.
Visit for more information and to take the questionnaire.
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