University of Akron Is Getting Rid of Friday Classes
The weekend begins on Thursday at college anyway, right?
The University of Akron is planning to limit its academic calendar to Monday through Thursday next fall, leaving Friday open for students to participate in what a university news release called “practical, career-focused experiences.”
Which probably does not include sleeping in because you were out really late on Thursday night.
The university’s news release said:
“The new initiative – composed of a “Five-Star Friday” and “Four-Day Core” scheduling – is intended to give as many students as possible opportunities each Friday to participate in cooperative education, gain practical work experience, and engage in internships, co-curricular activities, research, lab work, community service, advising, tutoring and more without worrying about scheduling conflicts.”
The University of Akron is one of the first to adapt this type of career-oriented scheduling and says it took the decision after numerous discussions with its Faculty Senate and with University Council. They also say they sent a survey to 15,000 students, getting nearly 5,000 responses.
“After surveying thousands of students, the consensus is clear – students support the Five-Star Fridays academic week,” Taylor Bennington, president of UA’s Undergraduate Student Government told the university’s news site. “The idea is innovative, creative, and is just another way UA is setting itself apart in Northeast Ohio.”
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