Law enforcement in the United Kingdom arrested right-wing activist Tommy Robinson. Robinson was holding a Facebook live stream, where he claimed to be reporting on the case. After an...
A federal judge has released “Smallville” actress Allison Mack on a $5 million-dollar bond. Mack has pleaded not guilty to recruiting women to join the secret...
Beloved director Steven Spielberg is taking on the superhero genre. Spielberg is joining forces with Warner Bros. to direct “Blackhawk.” This is the director’s first feature to involve characters from the DC...
Netflix is looking for people to be an editorial analyst, also known as a professional binge watcher.
Former Willy Wonka Star and lover of backpacking takes the world of game shows by storm
A former HUD official claims she was removed from her job after opposing the furniture order.
Archaeologists in Jerusalem believe they may have uncovered a clay seal that bears the signature of the Prophet Isaiah.