Social Media
Facebook Unveils New Dating Feature, and the Internet Is Not Happy
So more personal data can be pushed through the Facebook system.
On the first day of Facebook’s F8 Summit, Mark Zuckerberg announced the launch of Facebook Dating, which would allow users to create a separate dating profile and view matches based on their preferences, commonalities, and mutual friends. The feature is meant to be entirely private from Facebook friends, and is set to start sometime later this year.
Following this announcement, Match Group (NASDAQ:MTCH) which owns online dating sites such as and Tinder, dropped 18% in stock. Although this might indicate high anticipation for the new Facebook dating feature, many people have taken to Twitter to share their disapproval:
Mark Zuckerberg says that our privacy matters on the same day he announces the new Facebook dating service. That’s not safeguarding our privacy. That’s bringing social media into almost every single aspect of our lives.
— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) May 1, 2018
Zuckerberg just announced a Facebook Dating feature.
I cannot imagine a place I’m less inclined to meet people romantically than Facebook. I’d rather look for love in line to get my Driver’s License renewed.
— Sam Whiteout (@samwhiteout) May 1, 2018
literally nobody asked for a facebook dating app
— maya kosoff (@mekosoff) May 1, 2018
I really struggle to see anyone trusting a Facebook dating service to understand or remember anything about privacy.
— Benedict Evans (@BenedictEvans) May 1, 2018
What is the number one thing you would rather do than ever use the Facebook dating app? For me, it’s being shot by a gun
— Waikiki Wanda (@bulkUSBchargers) May 1, 2018
the coolest part about facebook dating app is how it automatically connects you to other single people with the same number of cats that you have.
— Andy Swan (@AndySwan) May 1, 2018
i thought the facebook dating site thing was a joke— Emma Schützkowski (@emmaschuetz) May 1, 2018
And, finally:
If Mark Zuckerberg launches a Facebook dating service, you know it’s going to end up getting called Facef*ck.
— The Incredible Sulk (@TurnUp_TheTweet) May 1, 2018
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