East to West, progressive candidates continue to make history.
The liberal senator from Massachusetts has a plan to take on Wall Street.
Ordinary citizens are becoming sympathetic to a more progressive union.
Could this be a big enough step toward universal healthcare?
In 2018 and beyond, many Democratic voters are starting to Feel the Bern.
Midterm primaries send shockwaves and possible historical firsts nationwide.
A proposal six years in the making.
The Supreme Court allows Ohio to purge voters off their own registration rolls as upcoming elections approach nationwide.
The Georgia and Texas gubernatorial primaries are just the tip of the iceberg.
Another change coming to Washington D.C.
It's time to admit political climate change is real.
An interesting start to Spring in Springfield.
A new candidate is shaking up the race for the third congressional district in Illinois.
Plus, a Texas showdown and eyeball tattoos.
Can Beto O’Rourke pull off a Texas-sized surprise in November?
Some might say Trump just makes his entire life a reality TV show.
It is one thing to protest and post on social media, but that alone changes nothing.
Former American Nazi Party member Arthur Jones faces no opposition in a March Illinois primary.
Pence is moving decisions through Congress with some brute force, a record not broken since 1861.
Doug Jones victory over Roy Moore earlier this month gives the Democratic Party hope for significant change in 2018.