Twitter Reacts: IHOb Fiasco
IHOb, you messed up. Let’s see if Twitter feels the same way.
So, today IHOP announced its heavily promoted name change of IHOP to IHOb, standing for not International House Of Breakfast, but to International House of Burgers. Yes, you read that right- burgers.
In this day and age, our generation is notorious for helping marketers to get noticed in the big brand world, but this may be the strangest change yet. Let’s see how Twitter has been reacting!
Dear Internet, we abbreciate your batience. Now let’s see who guessed right. B-hold!!!!! #IHOb
— IHOb (@IHOb) June 11, 2018
You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become IHOB
— Ahmed Baba (@AhmedBaba_) June 11, 2018
IHOP is now IHOB, International House of boobs, butts, and bud. We're a fraternity now so put out or get out. 🤟
— Sarah Schauer (@SJSchauer) June 11, 2018
I hope for IHOP’s sake that the B in IHOB makes it the International House of Burgers and not the International House of Bankruptcy. What a Blunder.
— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) June 11, 2018
IHOP is now IHOb. Now Denny’s will become Danny’s.
— Shawn Smith (@gbbcountry) June 11, 2018
The year is 2018, IHOP is now IHOB, President Trump and Dennis Rodman are meeting with Kim Jong Un to discuss nuclear disarmament, Hawaii is being destroyed by a volcano and Sonic released the Pickle Juice Slush. This is the Twilight Zone. #NorthKoreaSummit
— Chris Dmytriw (@chrisdmytriw1) June 11, 2018
This is how I feel about the IHOP/IHOb situation. It’ll never be IHOb. IHOP for life.
— Sam Dekker (@dekker) June 11, 2018
IHOP what is you doing? #ihop #IHOb
— P-Fleegs (@PPFleegrr_87) June 11, 2018
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