Democrats continued to control the House on Thursday by electing Nancy Pelosi who returned to be the first woman to hold the title. She started to...
Late Thursday night, the new Democratic House passed bills that would reopen the government without paying for Trump’s border wall. However, the White House is drafting...
On New Years Eve, Senator Elizabeth Warren, (D) Massachusetts, announced that she will become a candidate to enter the 2020 presidential race. She also made plans...
James Patterson gives book sellers bonuses
Today, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that he will be pushing to legalize recreational marijuana in 2019, according to New York Times. That would bring...
Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser, two former business associates were indicted as being a part of a federal investigation into Turkey’s secret lobbying campaign...
President Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, was sentenced to three years in prison Wednesday for his role in the hush-money deal to buy the silence of...
India's richest man's daughter gets married.
Couple who decided they wanted to do the right thing by raising money for a homeless man turned out to be false.
CNN file a lawsuit against President Trump
Many government officials from New York were reelected and new faces were elected into government in Tuesday's Midterm Election.
Many elected officials are breaking boundaries.
Backroads is now accepting applications for 2019's Trip Leaders Positions
Several devices sent to various locations within a few days.
The pipe bomber was identified as Cesar Sayoc, Jr. from Aventura, Florida.
The Garden Club of America Announces Scholarships
Criminal Minds celebrates their 300th episode
The Ford-Kavanaugh hearing was in full force with a tearful testimony from both parties.
Television star and comedian Bill Cosby was convicted of sexual assault.
Rob Rosenstein suggests that he recorded Donald Trump
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel wins big at the 70th Emmy Awards
Harry Styles is more than a music artist, he cares for those that are in need.
A New York Times podcast, The Daily, speaks to Kevin Cooper who has wrongfully placed on death penalty over supposedly killing four people.